Hey! I’m Seth Lang, and I go by IronMonocle online. I am a web developer by day and a tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) lover by night. I’ve been playing RPGs since 2009 and running the games for most of that time. I play and run many types of games, starting with D&D 3.5 and moving on to 5e when it came out. I’ve also enjoyed Savage Worlds, Deadlands, Blades in the Dark, Dungeon World, The One Ring, and Into the Odd, to name a few. One of my main sources of joy and entertainment as a GM is creating worlds and watching my players interact with them. I have created many worlds and settings in the past, but I had a group of players fall in love with Skies of Mor-ladron, so it has become one of the main settings for my D&D games. I’ve enjoyed Matt Colville’s videos throughout the years, but I really jumped on the MCDM bandwagon in 2022 with their Flee Mortals product. I thought it would help D&D combat feel more exciting and fresh, and it does! There was just one problem: they announced they were going to make their own RPG. Even their early description got me excited in a way D&D hasn’t done in a while, and I’ve been keeping up to date on it ever since. I think MCDM has something special in the works with their RPG, and I hope you will join me for the ride as we change, update, and convert this wonderful and fun setting to the MCDM RPG. Come aboard as we set sail on a new and exciting adventure!
I’m Dr. Bailey Lang—writer, editor, coach, and founder of The Writing Desk. I write and edit for businesses and work one-on-one with established and aspiring writers to build sustainable, enjoyable writing habits that take their books from draft to done. I started playing D&D in 2016 with a group of people (including Seth) who still tease me about my first fumbling forays into figuring out role-playing games. As a lifelong reader and fan of science fiction and fantasy, I love games like Blades in the Dark, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Girl by Moonlight, Ironsworn, and any game Seth is willing to run, especially if it’s set in the Skies of Mor-ladron. Like Seth, I’m excited about the MCDM RPG and look forward to playing and directing it. Here on the blog, I’m responsible for edits, keeping Seth’s writing schedule on track, and co-writing in-universe fiction. I can’t wait to explore the Skies with you!