Supernatural Gunslingers

Since MCDM released the Draw Steel Creator License and backer packets, I’ve seen an explosion of homebrew kits, ancestries, magic items, and classes. A few people created cool gunslinger classes for the game, but I didn’t think I would want or need one in my world.  First, classes…

Ancestries of Skies of Mor-ladron

I’ve finally done it, folks. I have settled on the seven ancestries that will populate this area of Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM): anakim, dwarves, fungorians, goblins, humans, mallki and muki, and wode elves. (As more places are discovered, other ancestries might also appear.) I already talked about wode elves…

Magic: The Elementalist

Let’s talk about magic. I have talked about Black Ash sorcery before and as we get more information on how the talent, null, censor, and troubador work, I’ll incorporate their magic into Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM).  Today, I describe how I see the elementalist working for SoM. As…

The Fallen Protectors: Celestials

The gods are gone from the world of Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM). Maybe they will return one day; maybe they’re gone forever. Only time will tell. I wanted a way to have active divine or holy influences in the world, a small connection.  It won’t be enough of…

The Giants of Empyrean

As you know, I have been trying to come up with the ancestries that populate the Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM). I shared a few in the past, and today, I want to share one I’ve been noodling on for a while: the primary ancestry and current rulers of the…

Firearm Kits for Draw Steel

Today, I’m taking a crack at making some firearm kits since firearms are a staple in the Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM). In past RPGs, you had to try to balance homebrewed firearms with bows and crossbows (or make them better in general, which would upset your bow users). Balancing…

Helping Player Direction and Goals

Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM) is a large world that can support many different themes and storylines, which is wonderful: players can do or be anything. But that comes at a price. The players have to know what they want to do or be. Having too many choices can paralyze and…

Vertical Map of the World

Last week, I was thinking about temperature and weather and how I want them to work in the Skies of Mor-ladron (SoM). Since pretty much everything happens in the sky, the traditional “north is cold and south is warm” environment didn't seem like a fun or logical way…